I used to wonder what “It’s complicated” on people’s timelines meant. I recall relationships to be a very simple affair — you either love him/her or don’t (and vice versa).

At first, I thought making your relationship seem complicated on social media must be some sort of attention seeking behavior or a means for people to feel important. I continued to think that it was nothing more than a social trend like the ‘Black & White Photo challenge’ that keeps making rounds on social platforms every few weeks.

I found out that many people, even those who choose not to reveal it on social media, have relationships that aren’t linear like they used to be. These relationships become complicated because of mixed feelings or because there are other people involved in the equation.

It’s complicated often simply means ‘I don’t know’.

As much as it’s become a laughable topic today, the person going through such a confusing state is probably going through dark times. You don’t know whether to trust your emotions, you are scared what people might think, you can’t move on with your life, and worst of all — You can’t be with the person you believe you truly belong with.

Relationships, meaningful or not, need to be beneficial for the people involved. It could be material gains, a sense of security, personal growth, the need for offspring’s, etc. Whatever the reason may be, they all boil down to one brash reality — What do we get after all this?

Maybe it’s time we left social media out of the equation. Too much advice from too many sources has never benefited anyone. So updating a status should be the last thing to be worried about.

Life’s always going to be throwing curve-balls at us. But the lesson to be learned is not to stay away from love or dating. On the contrary, we eventually learn to become a better person by working on ourselves consistently. Maybe there are too many wrong decisions we make, but when the right one walks in, they’d stay.